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    The RMS Queen Mary is reputed to be one of the most haunted objects in the world. The ghost stories and haunted tales told about the ship are so popular that it has inspired countless investigators to climb aboard. Whether you believe the ship is haunted or not, there is no discounting its long history.
    The Queen Mary was built as a fabulous ocean liner that could cross the Atlantic in just two weeks. She was built for the Cunard White Star Line, the same company that built the ill fated Titanic. Construction started on the ship in 1930, but took nearly four years to complete.

    Though the ship operated for over thirty years, there were a few problems associates with it. During its maiden trip just after it had been officially named, the ship lost control. She came close to hitting another ship, before managing to stop. During World War II, the Queen Mary became one of several ocean liners to be used as troopships, to carry men and weapons across the seas. That was when she earned the nickname of "The Grey Ghost".

    WWII was when the ship received another piece of bad luck. While carrying troops to Europe, she was hit by a wave. The ship came close to capsizing, and just barely made it to shore. The Ship returned as an ocean liner following the War, but times had changed and ocean travel wasn't as popular as it once was. Eventually the ship was sold to the city of Long Beach, California where she took up residence as a tourist attraction.
To turn this glorious ocean liner into a hotel and museum, the owners removed many of the lower decks, including the original machinery and propellers. This led officials to now dub the ship a building rather than an object. Owners also dismantled some of the original rooms to make space for stores and boutiques, and added bars and restaurants for visitors. In addition, the crew cabins were dismantled to make way for new features. Some believe that these changes are what caused the paranormal activity to start up.

The first class pool, site of many ghost orbs

   Interestingly enough, the ghost stories told about the Queen Mary only started after she was docked in Long Beach. The former playroom is rumored to hold the spirits of small children. Their cries are still sometimes heard. There are also people who hear what sounds like someone splashing or playing in the swimming pool that has no water.

Queen Mary playroom

    The documented death of a teenager named John Pedder has led to other stories of ghosts and haunting's. According to the stories, the boy died on the ship during the 1960's and is still believed to haunt the ship. He is often spotted wearing his old coveralls, and walking in the engine room.
    The engine room of the Queen Mary is also rumored to be haunted. Story say that two men were killed in this area when a door abruptly came down on them. The ghost of John Pedder described above, is one of those two men. There are also stories of ghostly female figures seen in the vicinity of the first class swimming pool. Others have seen wet footprints in the area, despite the fact that there is no water in the pool. Some guests have also seen a little girl holding a teddy bear near the swimming pool. When they attempt to speak to her she disappears.

Queen Mary engine room

The Queen Mary is also home to a ghost by the name of Jackie. This girl downed in the swimming pool at some point in the ship's history, and still haunts the area where she died. EVP's captured in the ship sometimes feature the sounds of a little girl talking and laughing.
    The ship herself is home to a few more ghostly apparitions as well. There is a woman in a white dress who is sometimes spotted in the Queen's Salon. Another ghost who calls the ship home is a man from the 1930's who sometimes appears in the first-class staterooms. This man is believed to be responsible for wreaking some havoc on guests. He causes the phone to ring at odd hours, and urns water faucets and lights on and off. Others have heard people knocking on the walls, and strange smells as well as cold spots.


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