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This creamy no-bake Snickers cake is stacked with creamy layers of homemade chocolate and peanut butter pudding along with some graham crackers softened to a cake like texture. Draping the mad goodness of the creamy layers is a heavy pouring of caramel and chocolate ganache sauce. Of course I can never just stop at good enough, I had to take it over the top and chop up some Snickers for added authenticity and then finish that off with some caramel and chocolate drizzle.
It’s cakery for the lazy. I love icebox cakes because they require no baking and always seem so much easier. But you know what is not easier, making nice even layers. I just don’t have that cake carving skill nailed down yet.
These days I don’t have time to practice that. I’m sure you’ve noticed the spotty posting. Life is just getting in the way and I’m not sure how to get the multiplying-to-do list to chill the freak out before I have a freak out.
I should stop now – I’m being a whiner


Okay, one last thing, that second picture is admittedly hideous. But as much as I dislike the picture I wanted you guys to see the Snickers Cake fully assembled. Don’t let the bad picture convince you this cake is anything but to-die for.
A few notes:
  • The recipe yields one 8×8 cake. For the picture I sliced the cake in half for two cake loaves.
  • Variations: Change out the graham cracker for chocolate ones. Switch out the peanut butter with Nutella for a Nutella Icebox Cake. For a Twix version replace the peanut butter with some homemade caramel or melt down some Kraft caramels for a caramel pudding and then top with chopped Twix instead of Snickers.
  • Cake can be fully assembled and kept in freezer or refrigerator for up two days.
  • I froze my cake for a more ice cream like texture and it also makes for nice clean slices.


Makes one 8×8 cake or two 4×8 cake loafs
  • 16 whole crackers
  • 2/3 cup cornstarch
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 6 cups cold whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cups dark chocolate, chopped
  • 3/4 cups creamy peanut butter
Caramel sauce
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 6 tablespoons water
  • 4 tablespoon butter
  • ¼ c heavy cream

Ganache Pouring Sauce

  • 2/3 cups dark chocolate
  • 1 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, sifted
  • 4-5 tablespoons water, warm
  • 12-14 mini Snickers, chopped


To make pudding
  1. Combine cornstarch, sugar, salt and milk in a blender or food processor and pulse until well blended. Alternatively, combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk vigorously. Transfer mixture to a heat proof bowl and place over (not on) simmering water for approximately 20-25minutes stirring occasionally. Pudding is ready when it it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon and leave ribbons when pudding is drizzled on top of itself.
  2. Add vanilla to mixture. Split mixture in half and add chocolate to one half and whisk to combine. Add peanut butter to remaining half and whisk to combine.

To make caramel sauce
  1. Place sugar and water into a saucepan over medium low heat and stir the until sugar has dissolved. Dissolve any crystals forming on the side with a wet pastry brush.
  2. Once sugar has dissolved increase heat to high.
  3. At this point do not stir the mixture directly. Now and then, using the handle, give the pot a swirl to keep the mixture moving. The mixture will start to bubble after a minute or so.
  4. Once the mixture starts to turn a light golden shade, add the butter and heavy cream. The mixture will bubble wildly. Whisk to combine (bubbles will subside upon cooling). Set aside to cool completely.

To make ganache pouring sauce
  1. Place chocolate and heavy cream in a bowl over simmering water. Let chocolate and cream sit for 2-3 minutes to melt without stirring. Then slowly stir mixture to combine. Add powdered sugar and mix to combine. Add water 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing after each addition until pouring consistency is reached. Set aside and let sauce cool to warm.

To assemble
  1. Create a foil sling by placing a piece foil in the pan with a 1 inch overhang on each side.
  2. Place graham crackers side-by-side until bottom of pan is covered. Spread a thin layer of chocolate pudding on top. Place second layer of graham cracker on top of chocolate pudding. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter pudding on top. Continue alternating layers with chocolate and peanut butter pudding while separating each pudding layer with a graham cracker layer.
  3. Pour cooled caramel sauce on top and set aside to set. Pour cooled ganache sauce on top and add chopped Snickers on top. Finish with caramel and chocolate drizzle.
  4. Place cake in refrigerator or freezer for at least 8 hours to set or overnight. (Freezer will create a pudding texture closer to ice cream).


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