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   Celebrating New Year's Eve with a loved one is great. Spending it in a beautiful locale with fireworks and spectacular activities is even better. Here is a list of the top ten places to celebrate New Year's Eve in, and the reasons why you should be here in one of these cities.

London, England
Celebrate New Year's Eve with splash of history at the London Eye, and enjoy a wonderful 10-minute public fireworks display. This year is organized by the Mayor of London and put on by the renowned pyrotechnical Christophe Berthonneau. It will be a jam-packed event making the entire downtown area busy  with crowds of people. Here you can bring in the New Year along the banks of the Thames.

Rome, Italy

The Piazza del Popolo is an historic and lovely spot for the festivities. Here you can listen to concerts and view fireworks throughout the evening. There is something magical about bringing in the new year in the twin churches of Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa Maria dei Miracoli.

Sydney, Australia

Why not have New Year's Eve Down Under watching exciting fireworks at the Sydney Harbour? This year will have lots of bright lights filling up the sky as the city will be the place for some of the best fireworks in the world. The barges located in the harbor will shoot off amazing pyrotechnic works of art, making it a New Year's Eve to remember.

Times Square, New York, USA

Watching the Times Square New Years Eve Ball drop in New York is something many Americans view on the television each year as they celebrate New Year's Eve at home. Watching the Ball drop is one thing; being there to watch it drop in person live is something else entirely. This year, the famous Ball will be 12 feet around covered in beautiful Waterford Crystals. Over 32,000 LED lights will fully light the Times Square New Years Eve Ball making the countdown worth waiting for.

Paris, France

   Paris brings visions of romance and wine. Bring your special someone and celebrate New Year's Eve at the Eiffel Tower. In this city, love fills the air and French Champagne flows mightily so why catch a piece of both in Paris. Watching beautiful fireworks at the historic Eiffel Tower after an intimate dinner with wine or Champagne will be a highlight for years to come for any couple.

Barcelona, Spain

Spend New Year's Eve, Noche Vieja, in Barcelona this year and bring in the new year with family and friends. Traditions and superstitions abound in Spain, and one has it if you eat twelve grapes with the twelve tolls of the Puerta del Sol clock, you will have twelve months of prosperity brought to you in the new year. Instead of drinking Champagne, in Spain Cava is the drink of choice. In any plaza you are in when celebrating New Year's Eve in Spain, you are bound to have a great time.

Seattle, Washington, USA

   The Pacific Northwest is a gem of the USA and is green and magical. But if you think celebrations are quiet, think again. This year there parties will abound all over the city. Celebrate New Year's Eve with 5,000 other people in the waterfront area in downtown Seattle. From dancing to live comedy performances, there will be something for everyone.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

   Celebrate Oudjaarsavond, or New Year's Eve, in Amsterdam. This is where you can enjoy fireworks and partying in the streets. If you like a free showing of everyone partaking in the fireworks display, this is the place as everyone will be doing the same by setting off their own fireworks.

Berlin, Germany

   The streets of Berlin come alive during New Year's Eve. Watch fireworks and celebrate the evening in the open air with about a million or so of your closest friends. New Year's Eve in Berlin, or Silvester, is one of Europe's biggest bashes with lights, dancing and entertainment with a crowning show of breathtaking fireworks.

Copacabana Beach, Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil

   Dress in your whites and celebrate New Year's Eve on the famous Copacabana Beach. One of the best fireworks displays in the world is held here. Not many places can fireworks be enjoyed on the beach which makes it that much more spectacular.
If you haven't decided yet where to go this New Year's Eve, check out one of the places above and make it one to remember.


  1. Hey nice to know it... My fav is Times square. I have a
    framed photo
    of fireworks dazzling the times square it is perfect for scenery in your room ...

  2. Just like the 4th of July. I think fireworks and New Years should go hand in hand. It just makes that day just that more exciting.


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