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Showing posts from September 6, 2010


Ireland -An Owl that enters the house must be killed at once, for if it flies away it will take the luck of the house with it. Israel -In Hebrew lore the Owl represents blindness and desolation and is unclean. Jamaica -To ward off the Owl's bad luck, cry "Salt and pepper for your mammy". Japan -Among the Ainu people the Eagle Owl is revered as a messenger of the gods or a divine ancestor.  They would drink a toast to the Eagle Owl before a hunting expedition.  The Screech Owl warns against danger.  Though they think the Barn Owl and Horned Owl are demonic. Latvia -When Christian soldiers entered his temple, the local pagan god flew away as an Owl. Luxembourg -Owls spy treasures, steal them and hoard them. Madagascar -Owls join witches to dance on the graves of the dead. Malawi -The Owl carries messages for witches. Mexico -The Owl makes the cold North wind whilst the gentle South wind is made by the butterfly.  The Little Owl was called "messenger of the lo...


   The owl has attracted the fascination and awe of many cults and cultures, down through the ages and many different and contradictory beliefs have survived to the present day.  Many associations link the owl with witchcraft, medicine, the weather, birth and even death; thus, many superstitions and fears about the owl remain.  In the past it was thought to have been wise yet foolish, feared but venerated and despised whilst being admired.     The owl is a nocturnal, predatory bird distinguished by a large flat face, eyes surrounded by stiff, feathered disks, a short, hooked beak, feathered legs with sharp talons, and soft plumage which facilitates soundless flight.  Its large eyes are encased in a capsule of bone called the "sclerotic ring" which directs the eyes forward allowing restricted movement.  To enable a sideways look, the owl must turn its entire head.  Its neck, being relatively long and flexible, allows the head to r...