This recipe comes from . This cake looks good as a birthday cake, but I think it would look good on any occasion! Neapolitan 5-Layer An Occascion Cake with Strawberry Frosting  Well, hello! What an exciting few days it’s been. Lots going on, and as usual, no two days have been the same. As I mentioned in my last post, I was thrilled when Ree (The Pioneer Woman) chose two of my cake photos for her Food Photo Assignment–another one of her wildly popular photo contests. It meant so much to me, considering I’m pretty new at all of this, and there were, as usual, so many amazing entries. My blue birthday cake photo ended up winning as a finalist in the competition, so I could not be more pleased! Coincidentally, most of what I learned about photography was from Ree. I find her photography tutorials to be particularly helpful, down-to-earth, and as always with The Pioneer Woman, charming. If you’d like to take a peek at my blue...