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Showing posts from January 12, 2012


   This comes from . These look really cool and very yummy. Great for any party! How to Make Sugar Cookies That Look Like Ice Cream One of my favorite elements from our recent Neapolitan ice cream April Fool's Day party was the recipe for cookies that looked like scoops of ice cream. Sugar cookies that look like ice cream cones! Several years ago, there was an Etsy seller who sold cookies that looked like these (she was shut down for running an unlicensed kitchen, unfortunately, so you can't buy them from her any more). I fell in love with the pictures way back then, and it's been my goal to figure out how to make these adorable little things ever since. I tried a number of different recipes, but it turns out that my favorite recipe for making cutout sugar cookies is the best one for this job, too. Here's the basic recipe. No Fail Sugar Cookies (NFSC) 6 cups flour 3t baking powder 2 cups butt...


<br /> <div style="display:none;"><img src="//" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/><br /> </div> Origins of the Straw Bear     In Whittlesea, from when no one quite knows, it was the custom on the Tuesday following Plough Monday (the 1st Monday after Twelfth Night) to dress one of the confraternity of the plough in straw and call him a "Straw Bear". A newspaper of 1882 reports that ..."he was then taken around the town to entertain by his frantic and clumsy gestures, the good folk who had on the previous day subscribed to the rustics, a spread of beer, tobacco and beef".     The bear was described as having great lengths of tightly twisted straw bands prepared and wound up the arms, legs and body of the man or boy who was unfortunate enough to have been chosen. Two sticks fastened to his shoulders met a...


   This diy comes from .  Another really cool decoracting Idea.  Enjoy! 3 D effect with hot glue I've been kicking this idea around in my head for awhile and I just decided to do it. How can I get a dimensional, 3 D image on a vase, jar, box or even a canvas? I considered cutting shapes out of foam and gluing them on, or gluing on store bought appliques or even jewelry charms. But all of those require a bit more effort or money and I knew there was a simpler way. So here's what I came up with..... The standard thrift store cheap glass vase. The sticker on the bottom says fifty cents, so it was a bargain. Now for my design.... Aha! It's my "leaving the house and my hair is a mess" hat. I got the pretty applique for $1 and it makes it look less like my "bad hair day" hat and more like a stylish statement. That's what I tell myself, anyway. Lol! So, I love the look of the fleur de...