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Showing posts from September 29, 2010


The Witches Toolbox, They Don't Leave Home Without It!    There are twelve tools that are considered essential for ritual magic.  They are the wand; Athame; pentacle; censer; scourge; bolline; staff; cauldron; cord; cup; Book of Shadows; and the altar (also they have to have transportation to get from witch meeting to witch meeting, so they need their trusty broom).  These tools may have slightly different names or composition depending on the particular magical path that they practice.  The list is of the traditional ones.  The Witches Wand     The wand, the most important tool in witchcraft, may be made of many different types of wood.  The wand should be made of a slim tree limb about an inch in diameter and as long as the distance from your elbow to the top of your first finger.  Ideally, to bind it to yourself, 2 inches of pith, or the interior of the wand is removed and filled with a piece of cotton containing a few drops of y...