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Showing posts from June 13, 2016


    The oldest mention of the present procession is to be found in a charter of the Unloaders'Guild (1291 ). From it we learn that the guilds of Bruges were obliged to participate in the procession. Probably the Holy Blood was exhibited in the chapel on the Burg before 1291. And it is presumably from this custom that the procession originated.     From 1303 onwards one hears of a Holy Blood procession going round the city walls. Because the relic was town-property the procession was, of course, a civil and an official occasion in which horsemen, guildsmen and artisans, marksmen, city councillors and, naturally, the clergy, in all their splendour march with the relic.       In 1310, Bruges' city council decided to combine the festivities around the Holy Blood, its procession (May 3rd) and the two-week ceremonies, with the annual fair (April 23rd until May 22nd). As a result the numbers of those assisting at the pro...


    I want to bring up some alternate methods of thought, that the best way to survive the zombie apocalypse is to stay mobile and not hunker down in a single place. Here's why that it might be true. A Zombie Apocalypse Isn't Siege Warfare     Zombie survivalists like to make a parallel between fending off zombies and medieval forms of siege warfare. At first glance, it's easy to see why they might make that comparison: you have an overwhelming mass of combatants outside your gates, but within a well-stocked stronghold, a small number of defenders can hold off almost indefinitely.     The problem with this idea is that surviving a siege puts faith in the idea that your attackers will eventually get bored or be incapable of feeding or otherwise supplying themselves and will soon stop attacking you.     We can't assume those things of zombies. Zombies don't get bored. Zombies are always hungry, but hu...


  Here's a list of the National food holidays for the month of June: June 1: National Hazelnut Cake Day June 2: National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day June 3: National Egg Day June 4: National Cheese Day June 4: National Frozen Yogurt Day June 4: National Cognac Day June 5: National Gingerbread Day June 6: National Applesauce Cake Day June 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day June 8: Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day June 8: World Oceans Day (Sustainable Seafood) June 9: National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day June 10: Herbs & Spices Day June 10: National Iced Tea Day June 10: National Black Cow* Day /*A root beer float June 11: National German Chocolate Cake Day June 12: International Cachaça Day June 12: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day June 13: Kitchen Klutzes of America Day June 14: National Strawberry Shortcake Day June 15: National Lobster Day ...


   Father's Day lands in June, but did you know that there is a holiday for every day this month? Here they are! June 1: National Go Barefoot Day - This shouldn't be too hard to do now that it's June. June 2: Leave the Office Early Day - Do I need to make up an excuse, or can I just leave? June 3: Chimborazo Day -Build a science fair-worthy volcano in honor of Chimborazo (in the Andes in Ecuador). June 4: International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression - It's a long name, but a good cause. June 5: World Environment Day - Dedicate the day to go green for the world environment. Wait - this should be done every day. June 6: Drive-in Movie Day - Do they still exist? June 7: VCR Day - Go back in time by watching home videos on the old VCR. June 8: Upsy Daisy Day - Every time you royally screw up, say, "Upsy daisy" to lighten the mood. June 9: Donald Duck Day - Write Mr. Duck's biograp...