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Showing posts from November 1, 2014


    Fiestas Patrias  is much like the American 4th of July in that it celebrates the creation of an independent country free of their colonial masters. Mexico's celebration of independence doesn't celebrate the actual day of independence but the call to be an independent nation. On September 16, 1810 Father Miguel Hidalgo the parish priest of the small town of Dolores, issued his call for Mexicans to rise up and overthrow Spanish rule. This call for independence is known as " El Grito ", the cry, and is widely celebrated all over Mexico today. Today it is simply rendered as " Mexicanos, Viva Mexico " and the crowds answer back with loud cries of " Viva Mexico " and much celebrating. In Mexico City the president gives the " El Grito " to thronged masses gathered in the Zocolo and the same act is repeated in small towns and big cities across Mexico. Today in Mexico the " El Grito " is delivered on Sept. 15 around 11 PM fol...


   This diy comes from  .  You could leave up all of the fall season.  It very cute and easy to make.  Good luck and happy pumpkin canning!! Canning Lid Pumpkin This is one of my favorite pumpkin projects of all time. It's cute, simple and one of the first decorations people notice when they walk into my house. The inspiration for this came from an unpainted version I saw at  Simply Klassic Home . Whether you decide to paint it or not, this is just too easy not to try! Supplies 20 regular mouth canning lids orange yarn orange spray paint (I used Valspar Satin La Fonda Copper) 3-4 decorative cinnamon sticks Directions 1. Spray paint the lids on each side until you reach the coverage you want. After the paint dries, you can leave as is or lightly sand some of the edges like I did. 2. String the lids onto the yarn, making sure they all face the same direction. 3. Tie t...


Haven't you always wanted to make "spiderflakes" like the ones Jack accidentally created in The Nightmare Before Christmas?  And so can you. Print out this  PDF file , follow the cutting directions, and spin some spiderflakes.  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. NBC style spider snowflakes by  Zombie Pumpkins!  Â» Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:1 I have. So I did: