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Showing posts from November 13, 2017


 This recipe comes from  .   Give it a try and see how it tastes.  Good luck. This is my favorite drink from Starbucks – but I am not a fan of the price tag. Below is a  recipe  that I developed that is spot- on. My husband whom works for Starbucks says it taste just like Starbucks.     What You Need Drink: Bottle of Treetop Apple Juice Topping: Whipped Cream Caramel Topping Cinnamon Dolce flavor  â€“ you can either buy it for $7 at Starbucks or make your own for pennies 1/2 Cup of Water 1/2 Cup of Brown Sugar About 1/2 to 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon What To Do Make the Cinnamon Syrup. In a pot add all the ingredients ( sugar, water; cinnamon). Stir         Let the mixture simmer for 5 minutes – it should reduce in half. While that is cooking in a large stockpot add apple juice – Each serving is 12 oz so heat ...


     The Thanksgiving proclamations are the declarations made by the various authorities in regard of the Thanksgiving Day celebrations. It is believed that first Thanksgiving Day celebrations were held in 1621. But later it seemed to be a difficult task for the authorities to decide a perfect day for the Thanksgiving Day celebrations. So in different years the presidents of the United States issued Thanksgiving proclamations and came up with new dates for the Thanksgiving Day. The First Thanksgiving Proclamation (1676)    "The Holy God having by a long and Continual Series of his Afflictive dispensations in and by the present Warr with the Heathen Natives of this land, written and brought to pass bitter things against his own Covenant people in this wilderness, yet so that we evidently discern that in the midst of his judgements he hath remembered mercy, having remembered his Footstool in the day of his sore displeasure again...


    The Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States every year on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day the American families gather and enjoy the Thanksgiving feast, which includes Turkey, with all the trimmings. They also offer Thanksgiving prayers to God on this day and sing songs to praise Him. Thanksgiving Day 2009 will be celebrated in the America on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. The date is 27th November, 2009 . History of American Thanksgiving    The first Thanksgiving Day , set aside for the special purpose of prayer and celebrations, was decreed by Governor William Bradford in July 30, 1623. There were harvest festivals, or days of thanking God for plentiful crops because that year the Pilgrim's fall harvest was very successful and plentiful after a period of drought. There was corn, fruits, vegetables, along with fish which was packed in salt, and meat that was smoke cured over fires. The Governo...


  This comes form .  I thougth these looked really cool and delicious.   Scince it’s Friday (woo hoo!) I thought we’d do something fun. These little turkeys (speaking of turkeys, did you see what mine did yesterday ??) are perfect for school parties, family nights, and Thanksgiving place holders. At the end there’s an easy pilgrim hat as well. I don’t really know where this idea originated from- I made the turkeys as a kid as I’m sure many of you have and I’ve seen the little hats all over the internet. Both Turkey Day classics, so go have some fun! Ingredients/Supplies: Double Stuff Oreo Cookies Candy Corn Whoppers Peanutbutter Cups Chocolate frosting Yellow Frosting Optional: Red frosting Optional: black sprinkles for eyes *For these kinds of things I love to use the little pre-filled tubes of colored frosting you can buy in the baking isle. The chocolate is easy to make, and homemade actually works a lit...