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   Everyone gets the chills when they walk through a cemetery, especially at night but mostly it is all in our heads.  How could walking through hundreds of deceased people that are buried six feet under, get you thinking that there's ghost in that thar graveyard?  Come and take a walk through some of America's most haunted cemeteries and read about the ghosts that choose to hand around them.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

One of the Bachelor's Grove ghosts

   This secluded cemetery located in Chicago is said to be the most haunted graveyard in America.  Bachelor's Grove has had numerous paranormal investigators that have investigated this cemetery and it has been reported that it has had over 160 cases of documented paranormal occurrences, which include everything from floating "orbs" to light and full body apparitions.

Lafayette Cemetery

Collage of graves at Lafayette Cemetery
   Located in New Orleans, La.  Is said to be one of the most haunted.  Hundreds of sightings are reported in this historic cemetery.  Witnesses have experienced a woman dressed in white who flags down taxi cabs and always disappears before the ride is over.  Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau is said to haunt the cemetery and the surrounding area.  Her powers are known to be so strong when she was alive, and now that death has taken her, she holds even greater sway over her devoted, who decorate her grave with symbols, candles and flowers, in the hope she'll bless them.

Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery

Grave markers at Camp Chase

   Camp Chase is a Confederate cemetery located in Ohio nestled in a Columbus Hilltop neighborhood.  This cemetery marks the place where a POW camp stood over 140 years ago.  It is said here a woman roams the cemetery in search of her soldier, lost in a POW camp during the American Civil War.  On a grave of a confederate soldier, flowers will appear on it for no explainable reason.

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Hollywood Forever grave sites
   Hollywood Forever Cemetery located in Hollywood, Ca.  was founded in 1899 and was originally named Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery.  The original site occupied 100 area but 40 acres were sold off to Paramount and RKO Studios in 1920.  The Hollywood Memorial Park cemetery is the final resting place for such starts as, Fatty Arbuckle, Valentino, Victor Fleming and Clifton Webb,  whose ghost is said to haunt the Abbey of the Psalms Mausoleum where it is reported that guests hear voices, whispering, see strange lights, feel cold drafts and smell cologne.

El Campo Santo Cemetery

El Campo early grave sites

El Campo grave

    This cemetery located in San Diego, Ca.  This cemetery is believed to be actively haunted with such sightings as what looks like a Hispanic or a Native American walking through  out the grounds and a woman  in a white Victorian dress will appear and disappear into the south wall of the cemetery.


  1. Hollywood was once the mecca of film and television production, today most major studios and television networks have moved out of Hollywood to build expansive studio back lots where land was more accessible in all areas of Los Angeles.


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