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A Quick Guide to Candy Facts

  • Besides being great for the taste buds, there are other interesting candy facts that you may not know.

  • Candy - the word usually refers to foods made from sugar. It may be added to a liquid or sprinkled on top, but sugar is the main ingredient. There is seemingly no end to the candy that we can make.

  • A few of the more interesting candy facts:

  • Each year, there are 60 million chocolate Easter bunnies made.

  • Making a marshmallow peep takes six minutes.

  • Cocoa butter's melting point is only a bit above the human body temperature, which is why chocolate can melt in your hands, as well as your mouth.

  • One of the most unbelievable candy facts: Americans over the age of 18 eat 65 percent of every year's candy production – not the kids!

  • Americans eat about 25 pounds of candy per person annually. In contrast, the people in Denmark eat 36 pounds per person.

  • From the list of bizarre candy facts:

  • King Tut's tomb contained large supplies of licorice.

  • Seven billion pounds of candy and chocolate are made in the United States every year.

  • Americans like chocolate the best of any flavor; 52% of adults in the United States said chocolate is their favorite flavor. Second place was a tie – vanilla and berry flavors.

  • Makers of chocolate use 20% of the world's supply of peanuts and 40% of the world's almonds in their products.

  • The Midwest and Northeast eat more candy than the Mid-Atlantic, West, South or Southwest regions.

  • More Candy Facts For Your Enjoyment! 

  • Recent studies show that candy is a school child's number one choice for an after school treat.

  • Hard candies are more popular with young children than older children.

  • In the category of longevity candy facts, roughly 65% of U.S. candy brands have been in existence for fifty years or more.

  • Some “ageless” candy facts:

  • Butterfinger bars were invented in 1923, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups also in 1923, The Snickers bar in 1930, and Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar in 1900.

  • M&M's were invented in 1940, Nestle's Crunch in 1938, Kit Kats in 1933, and Three Musketeers bars in 1932.

    Odd names in candy facts lore:

    • Some candy names introduced in the 1920's: Chicken Dinner, Snickers, Butterfinger, Milky Way, Mr. Goodbar, Oh Henry, Kandy Kake, Vegetable Sandwich, Big Dearos, Fat Emmas and Milk Nut Loaf. It’s no wonder some of those didn't last.

    •  Milky Way's were introduced in 1923, by Frank Mars. They went on to make the Snickers bar starting in 1930. Three Musketeers were brought out in 1932, and the original Three Musketeers had three separate bars, each a different flavor!


    1. I think chocolate is going to be prove in the near future is to be added as another food group. Just like the other food groups


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