This was found at . Lots and lots of great stuff to do with the kids (even the adults that want to make something of their own stuff)!
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
This craft clay is easy to make, but requires the use of the stove, make sure children are supervised when making this craft!

Here's what you'll need...
• 1 box baking soda (about 2 cups)
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 11/2 cups water
• Sauce pan
• Bowl
• Spoon
• Plastic wrap

Here's how you make it...
1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring consistently, until it is too thick to stir with a spoon.

2. Cool for 15 minutes, or until the dough is cool enough to touch. Knead it for about 5 minutes, or until smooth. Keep dough wrapped in plastic.
Once you have molded it, it will take 1-2 days for the clay to dry. The length of time depends on how thick your craft is: If it is a flat ornament, it may only take 1 day, if it is thick it will take much longer. This clay can be painted with either Tempera or acrylic craft paints.
Easy Craft Clay
This Easy Craft Clay recipe is a great all purpose clay which can make many different craft projects, from beads to ornaments! It dries to a white, matte finish and can then be painted with either Tempera or acrylic craft paint.
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
This craft clay is easy to make, but requires the use of the stove, make sure children are supervised when making this craft!
Here's what you'll need...
• 1 box baking soda (about 2 cups)
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 11/2 cups water
• Sauce pan
• Bowl
• Spoon
• Plastic wrap
Here's how you make it...
1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring consistently, until it is too thick to stir with a spoon.
2. Cool for 15 minutes, or until the dough is cool enough to touch. Knead it for about 5 minutes, or until smooth. Keep dough wrapped in plastic.
Once you have molded it, it will take 1-2 days for the clay to dry. The length of time depends on how thick your craft is: If it is a flat ornament, it may only take 1 day, if it is thick it will take much longer. This clay can be painted with either Tempera or acrylic craft paints.
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