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   Candy canes are a traditional Christmas treat.  There are many interesting facts about candy canes that many people know little or nothing about, however.  For example, did you know that it is possible to find candy canes at other times of the year than Christmas.  Here, we will take a much closer look at some interesting facts about candy canes.

History of the Candy Cane

   During the 1400's, it is rumored that the candy cane was invented by French priests.  When it was first invented, the candy can did not have any curves. It was also called a peppermint stick at this time.  The candy cane was originally a straight stick.
   One little known fact about the candy cane is that it was not originally invented with red stripes.  It was not until the mid 1900's that candy canes with red stripes appeared in Sweden.
   The curvy shape of the candy cane is credited to a choirmaster who worked at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany.  It is believed that he bent the peppermint sticks to look like the canes that shepherd's used.  he gave the newly bent peppermint sticks to children to keep them quiet during performances.
   Other sources credit the bending to a candy maker in Indiana.  It is rumored that he also decided to add three red strips to the candy cane which were meant to represent the Holy Trinity.
   Some people believe that the reason the peppermint sticks were bent into their curvy shape was so they could look like a "J", for Jesus.
  Most people in Europe did not begin putting candy canes on their Christmas trees until the 1700's.  This tradition, which is very popular today, did not hit the United States until sometime during the 1800's.

Candy Cane Flavors, Colors and Sizes

   Although the candy cane is traditionally peppermint flavored, many colors and flavors are constantly being developed in order to increased the overall appeal of candy canes.  One of the most well known colors of candy canes to date is rainbow.
   Some of the different flavors of candy canes,  which are available today, include blueberry, pina colada, strawberry, cinnamon, spearmint, raspberry, cherry, mocha, bubblegum, orange sherbet, chocolate mint, and cherry.
   Candy canes that have been designed to taste like other forms of candy have also been invented.  Some of these include Jolly Rancher flavored candy canes, Starburst flavored candy canes, Life Savers flavored candy canes and Sweet Tart flavored candy canes.
   There are also a variety of different sizes of candy canes.  Mini candy canes and the candy canes that we are used to seeing are two of the different sizes.
   The largest candy cane that has been made to date was 36 feet 7 inches long in 1998.

Candy cane shot glasses

Other Facts About Candy Canes

   More than 2 billion candy canes are sold between November and December.
   There are many different uses for candy canes.  Some people use candy canes to decorate their trees, while others add candy canes to hot chocolate, ice cream and various other desserts.
   The smell of candy canes is known to work like aromatherapy.  Many people believe that it makes people feel calm or happy.
   Candy canes, though high in sugar, only contain 50 calories.  They also have no fat or cholesterol.
   National Candy Cane Day is celebrated on December 26th.  This is a good time to indulge in candy canes of all flavors, colors and sizes!


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